Hi, I understand that you wanted to know if there is a bi-weekly recurring appointment for your Calendar, let me help you with your concern. Please be informed that the feature you are looking for is not available for Outlook.com Calendar.
However we consider the suggestions and comments provided by our users and you can expect to see many improvements in future releases. Please do try to visit our area where you can send your feature requests. I hope this will clarify with your concern and feel free to post back.
This depends on the format. I like to do either weekly or bi-weekly meetings for 60-90 minutes. I know a lot of people also like to do quarterly for 1-2 days. Those groups seem to work at larger size (8-30ish) The exception I do make to this is for people who move to a different time zone. Who Planned - Monday Accomplished - Friday; Brock Angelo: Synchronize the production and development databases for IMLCZO. Need to resolve any conflicts related to new sensors created by users in production.